CHAPTER 1: “The Nervous Nurse, The Good Doctor and The Young Man” – AN ADAPTATION

It must have been around 6 am when the young nurse appeared in the doctors’ office with apologetic eyes and speaking with a slight lilt in her voice. “Excuse me? Doctor? Do you have a moment?” She was obviously shaken, for their small town was not used to having this much commotion this early in the morning…or at all, for that matter. Buried in a small town deep inside the valley, most of the days were routine but for the strangely odd shooting or OD’ing – which, for the most part, were out of towners. But this morning had brought something entirely different through the big, blue revolving doors of the town hospital – screaming and screeching incoherencies that the likes of this small town burrowed in between two unnamed mountains would probably never hear outside of a movie or perhaps a ‘new-age’ or ‘modern’ play. The Good Doctor – a serene-looking man in his mid-40s with the air of a person who has definitive answers, who had been sitting at his desk fumbling through documents – calmly raised his eyes over his silver-rimmed glasses and responded with a reassuring tone: “A moment? What’s the question?”

“More of a situation,” replied the nurse with a nervous smile. “A gentleman in exam [room] three.”

The Good Doctor sat up straight and placed his elbows on the desk, cupping his left fist with his right palm and resting his chin on top. He studied the nurse intensely and finally asked her, “What’s the problem?”

She looked uneasy for a moment as she frantically searched inside her head for a rational, coherent or, at the very least, professional answer, but could find none. “That is the problem,” she finally said, sounding almost defeated as she let out a small sigh. “We’re not sure.”

Despite being a small hospital – or perhaps because of it – they were used to running a pretty tight ship, and this nurse in particular had always proven herself more than responsible and diligent. So it came as a surprise and a bit of a concern to the Good Doctor to hear her uttering those words.

“You got the chart?” he calmly asked, extending his left arm as he stood up.

“Right here,” she replied, and handed him the wooden clipboard.

As he looked through it he let out the same type of sigh the nurse had, and with a small shrug of the shoulders and his eyebrows faintly raised, bottom lip curving downwards, he muttered half-loudly, “Not much here to say…”

“No Doctor,” chimed in the nurse, now sounding more alarmed. “No obvious physical trauma; vitals are stable!”

“Name?” he asked.

“No, sir.”

He sat back down on his black leather chair and thought for a moment. His elbows were on the desk again but this time he had the tip of his fingers touching, forming a pyramid against which his lips rested. “Did someone drop him off?” he finally asked. “Maybe we could speak to them. Let’s get some background on this fella.”

“No ID. Nothing!” she answered, losing more and more calm with every word. She was beginning to breathe harder, almost scared to utter the next words, her eyes widening slightly. “And he won’t speak to anybody…”

With a resolute look and aura surrounding him, the Good Doctor stood back up one more time and put on the white coat that was resting on the back of his black leather chair. “Well, let’s say hello,” he said, and signaled the nurse to lead him to the young man’s room. They walked down the hall silently until they arrived at room 008. When they opened the door, they found the shoe-less young man sitting on the bed wearing dirty and torn black-jeans and a black t-shirt with the word “TOOL” written in block letters in the front and an eye with two pupils emerging from fire in the back; his gaze was fixed on the wall and his lips were moving almost imperceptibly as he muttered inaudibly to himself.

“Good morning,” the Good Doctor began. “I’m Dr. Lawson. How are you today?”

There was no response, just a blank stare.

“How – are – you – today?!” he asked again, slowly and loudly as he shone his small flashlight in each eye.

The Good Doctor took a step back and a deep sigh. “Look son, you’re in a safe place,” he said, sounding genuinely friendly. “We want to help in whatever way we can. But you need to talk to us. We can’t help you otherwise. What’s happened? Tell me everything.”

The young man showed his first signs of life as he shot his eyes from the wall to the Doctor, then to the nurse and then back to the Doctor again. He began breathing harder and appearing exasperated and confused. Then he shut his eyes tightly for just a second and re-opened them just as he let out a big breath, as if about to unload a great pain from within…

“Alrighty, then,” he said, tilting his head sideways and raising one eyebrow. “Picture this if you will…”


Prosiguen diálogos de paz colombiana en La Habana (en Cuba Debate)

ARTÍCULO  ORIGINAL: Prosiguen diálogos de paz colombiana en La Habana.

Prosiguen diálogos de paz colombiana en La Habana


dialogos-de-pazEl gobierno colombiano y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) reanudarán hoy aquí los diálogos de paz tras un breve receso después de tres jornadas ininterrumpidas de trabajo.

Según lo previsto, en este cuarto intercambio ambas delegaciones continuarán debatiendo en el capitalino Palacio de las Convenciones sobre el desarrollo agrario integral en ese país, el primero de cinco puntos de una agenda con la que buscan zanjar 50 años de conflicto.

Se espera que este viernes se incorpore a la mesa el quinto miembro plenipotenciario del gobierno que faltaba por llegar a La Habana, el general retirado de la policía Oscar Naranjo, quien junto a otros cuatro representantes acompañan al exvicepresidente Humberto de la Calle en el proceso.

La reserva y parquedad con la que ambas partes decidieron llevar las conversaciones han marcado hasta el momento las jornadas, mientras cientos de periodistas de más de 16 países aguardan cada mañana en busca de conocer que sucede en la mesa.

El martes último, uno de los miembros de las FARC-EP, Jesús Santrich, destacó que los diálogos van a buen ritmo y por buen camino, mientras que el jefe del equipo, Iván Márquez, subrayó que trabajan duro por la paz que desean todos los colombianos.

Los medios también están atentos a una página en internet sobre el proceso que busca facilitar la participación activa de la sociedad colombiana con sus propuestas.

Aunque se ha especulado que el primer punto, relacionado con la tierra, cerraría el próximo 1 de diciembre, aún está por definir cuanto durará este primer paso, para muchos el más complejo y difícil por la cantidad de subpuntos sensibles que toca.

Como establecieron en el Acuerdo General, rubricado el 26 de agosto último, los restantes acápites (participación política, fin del conflicto, las drogas ilícitas y la atención a las víctimas) se seguirán en el orden que ambas partes acuerden.

(Con información de Prensa Latina)


Deflected likes, light off a shield that gave shade to the moon. Once cool, within limbs reach we collected ash from the peace pipes and built super snowmen in summers that watered down in winter. So it be and had to be cause they were beating it out of me, by the ancient rules of combat we accepted and then proceeded to objectify our scars. But bars don’t make us
He-man, plans rejected scan the discipline of happiness. Pleasure seekers outside their skin and a capsuled complaint with every meal. Salad or steak we all bake the body of Christ and
Malcolm and Che, of Lennon, Sabath and Rage, my page is written here, so if tomorrow I go like Gaza my land will be there, where you stand. Since Satan we’ve been suffering and he was one
of the good ones, the light is off on labels, chapters once written cease only the way dropped guillotines do, now turn em into fables. If you turn the tables could you really say you’ve carried
the noose of sacrifice??? I’m trying, see I’m trying real hard but it don’t add up. Mathematics in school help me unspool the economy, I’m licensed in their till. Independent enterprise to
open the market, come on in, come on in, and if you wouldn’t mind I would like to…hablar a mi gente latina, que amor para que cause dolor, que calor asi como en Manta ver sus palabras.
Un buen choclo y a trabajar con sonrisas del Chavo, siete de flaco y siete de gordo y sigo rojo con barba. La carga es otra, con familia a enfrentar el futuro, ojala no tan
duro como a otros. Con capacidad y un morocho regreso, un beso a los andes y haber para donde es adelante. El pasado trazado lo hemos escapado, ala de cuervo hermanos y puno de Bolivar tambien. Que nivel el poder comer pastel, agradecido y si no todos a brindar, vamos toma conmigo indio que no esta escirto esta vida todavia
SALUD to the indio score
Magetismo a la Mitad del Mundo, dozenas de nosotros regresaremos a rendir pa la patria. Estoy hervido de bloqueos entonces me entreno, armado a puno limpio, pelado de sangre
caliente y de repente con compania mala en el bus. No hay mas calles que cruzar, me quedo en la trece del Amazonas, soldado del ahora preparado para el sur. El norte ya huelo a
I leave my ties tight like jiu jitsu grip and Goldilocks in my bed. Go to bread they told me, I came from the head of mtv and yellow complections. Took a tip from Bradley
and gave it all to charity, now got new bills so I asked for her hand at 9 and catching the plane at 5. I take with me tommy and herb and leave behind free words, soar even if
you’re sore, watch out next thing you know my actions will score.